Detailed Report Pages
Known Burials at Ritchie Cemetery
A blog about Ritchie Cemetery in Topeka, Kansas: the people buried there, its history, and its environment
Other galleries: Trees and Shrubs, Wildflowers and Weeds, Animals
Fungi and Lichens at Ritchie
The gallery is a sampler; not all species are pictured. For more information, check the observations posted to the Ritchie Cemetery Project on iNaturalist. If you are knowledgeable about fungi and see something you can identify, please get in touch! We have seen numerous specimens, but could use help in identifying them.
Lentinus arcularius
Member of the Bolete family
Gymnosporangium juniperi-virginianae
Member of the Lycoperdon genus
Pseudoinonotus dryadeus
Coprinopsis variegata
Laetiporus cincinnatus
Lysurus mokusin
Member of the Xylaria genus
Teloschistes chrysophthalmus (Golden Eye); Physcia genus (Rosette)
Exidia crenata
Member of the Lycoperdon genus
Mutinus elegans
Calvatia craniiformis
Calvatia craniiformis
Member of the Bolete family
Schizophyllum commune
Irpex lacteus
Member of the Bolete family